Stories of SMA 5 Surabaya alumni '94 class 3A1-3, Friendship,Brotherhood, Silaturahim in Peace harmony ...Memories that live forever

Winners are people like YOU  

WINNERS are people like YOU
Winners take chances.
Like everyone else, they fear failing,but they refuse to let fear control them.

Winners don't give up.
When life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better.

Winners are flexible.
They realize there is more than one way and are willing to try others.

Winners know they are not perfect.
They respect their weaknesses while making the most of their strengths.

Winners fall, but they don't stay down.
They stubbornly refuse to let a fall keep them from climbing.

Winners don't blame fate for their failures nor luck for their successes.
Winners accept responsibility for their lives.

Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things.
From the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.

Winners believe in the path they have chosen even when it's hard, even when others can't see where they are going.

Winners are patient.
They know a goal is only as worthy as the effort that's required to achieve it.

Winners are people like YOU.
They make this world a better place to be.

Nancye Sims

My best Gratitude

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Dari Panca .....

Subject: [pengajian_alumni_ sydney] Fwd: SMS Donasi utk Palestina : 7505
Date: Tuesday, 6 January, 2009, 8:01 AM

[OOT] SMS Donasi utk Palestina : 7505
Posted by: "Fadhli Quzwain" quzwainfadhli@ quzwainfadhli
Date: Mon Jan 5, 2009 2:32 am ((PST))

Mohon rekans sekalian untuk dapat membantu penggalangan dana dan dukungan bagi
penduduk Gaza di bawah ini. Mohon email ini disebarkan ke seluruh kontak rekans
sekalian. Semoga Allah Yang Maha Kaya dan Pemurah membalas kebaikan rekans
sekalian dengan pahala yang berlipat ganda. Semoga penduduk Gaza segera terlepas
dari bencana yang teramat mengerikan ini. Semoga keluarga kita, anaka anak kita,
orang tua kita tercinta, suami/istri kita tidak mengalami penderitaan yang
sangat menyayat hati ini..

Pada hari sabtu 3 Januari 2009, pemerintahan apartheid zionist Israel memperluas
serangan terhadap Gaza dengan melakukan serangan darat menggunakan tenk-tank
Merkava dan persenjataan cangih lainnya buatan Amerika Serika. Hingga 4 Januari
2009 terhitung lebih dari 500 penduduk Gaza meninggal dan lebih dari 2400 terluka.

MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) sejak akhir Desember 2008 lalu telah
membuka layanan SMS Donasi melalui nomor 7505, dan per tanggal 29 Desember 2008
seluruh donasi yang masuk melalui SMS 7505 akan diberikan seluruhnya untuk

Semakin gentingnya krisis kemanusian di bumi Palestina menuntut kita manusia
yang memiliki hati nurani untuk terus meningkatkan usaha kita dalam membantu
penduduk Gaza yang berada diambang kepunahan akibat genosida apartheid zionist

Donasi untuk Palestina kini bisa dilakukan melalui SMS, caranya:

kirimkan ke: 7505 (semua operator)

Program sms donasi ini merupakan layanan yang disediakan oleh Departemen Sosial
RI bekerjasama dengan sejumlah operator seperti Telkomsel, Indosat, Flexi, Esia,
XL dan Mobile-8. Untuk Telkomsel, Indosat, Flexi, Esia, tarif sms adalah Rp
6.600,- sudah termasuk donasi Rp 5.000,- ditambah biaya operator dan PPn.
Sementara untuk pengguna XL dan mobile-8 tarif sms adalah Rp 5.000,- sudah
termasuk donasi Rp 3.750,- ditambah biaya operator dan PPn.

info selengkapnya mengenai program ini dapat dilihat di:
http://www.mer- atau
http://donasi. depsos.go. id/news/gen/ 495d8e4a. htm

Atau bagi anda yang ingin menyumbangkan sejumlah dana bagi Palestinga dapat
langsung menyetorkan ke rekening di bawah ini:

MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee)

Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI)
a.n. MER-C
Rek. No. 301.00521.15

Bank Central Asia (BCA)
a.n. Medical Emergency Rescue Committee
Rek. No. 686.0153678

Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM)
a.n Medical Emergency Rescue Committee
Rek. No. 009.0121.773

Mohon bantuan dari rekan-rekan sekalian untuk menyebarkan informasi ini agar
makin banyak orang yang bisa kita libatkan dalam membantu meringankan
penderitaan penduduk Gaza.

Medical Emergency Rescue Committee

adalah sebuah organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang bergerak dalam bidang
kegawatdaruratan medis dan bertujuan memberikan pelayanan medis untuk korban
perang, kekerasan akibat konflik, kerusuhan, kejadian luar biasa, dan bencana
alam di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Organisasi yang berasaskan Islam dan
berpegang pada prinsip rahmatan lil'aalamiin serta mempunyai sifat amanah,
profesional, netral, mandiri, sukarela, dan mobilitas tinggi.

Profil lengkap beserta alamat dan kontak organisasi kemanusiaan ini dapat
dilihat di website http://www.mer- c.orgAM

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The Guardian: Main section Saturday 3 January 2009  

The injured were lying there asking God to let them die'

29 December 2008

'The injured were lying there asking God to let them die'

Fikr Shaltoot is a programme coordinator for Medical Aid for Palestinians, a British non-governmental organisation that provides medical supplies in Gaza

Being a health worker, I had to check the needs of Shifa hospital and the other hospitals in Gaza. The situation in Shifa is really bad. There were corpses in corridors covered with blankets. The mortuary couldn't cope with the number of bodies. Two bodies were left on stretchers, one wrapped in a blanket. They leave them until families can recognise them.

There were mothers, fathers looking for children, looking for relatives. Everyone was confused and seeking support. Mothers were crying, people were asking about relatives, the medical team was confused.

Some people were just lying there, some were screaming, some were very, very angry. There were a lot of injured arriving, ambulances coming in and out. The injured were coming by private cars and they were being left wherever. You could see blood here and there.

There is talk [the Israeli air strikes] were targeting the police and security forces but in Shifa hospital, I saw many, many civilians, some dead, some injured, some were children, some were women, some were elderly people.

There are people without their legs in very severe pain. The doctors and nurses were trying to give them painkillers and to keep them alive. Patients are lying there knowing they've lost their legs. Some were asking God if they could die. They were in a terrible psychological state.

The doctors and nurses were trying to do their best. They discharged all the patients from the chronic diseases ward and from the oncology ward to make way for the injured. They were using whatever they could.

There's no gauze so they are using cotton, which sticks to the wounds. They can't sterilise clothes for the operating theatre. They're using wrong sized syringes. They're working 24 hours. They're referring cases from one hospital to the next. One hospital was running out of anaesthesia. They're also drawing blood and there's no alcohol. This is a disaster.

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MAP Official Web Site  

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Apa yang bisa dan sudah kita lakukan buat Palestine ?  

Saat saya membaca buku karangan Dr Ang Swee Chai,seorang orthopedics surgeon perempuan dari UK yg berjudul From Beirut to Jerussalem sekitar 6 bulan yll,saya merasa tidak cukup hanya dgn prihatin dan air mata,maka saya buka websitenya

Di penghujung tahun 2008 telah terjadi pembumihangusan Palestine, apakah ini sebuah genocide, entahlah. Jutaan orang di seluruh dunia peduli tidak memandang ras, agama, dan nasionalitas, bagaimana dengan kita? The Largest Moslem in this world?
berikut saya lampirkan imel dari Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) :

On Wed, 12/31/08, newsletter wrote:
From: newsletter
Subject: MAP Emergency Appeal for Gaza
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 1:30 PM

Dear Supporter:

In this critical time, it is essential that our appeal is seen by as many people as possible. Please help the people of Gaza by forwarding this email to as many people as possible.

As the year draws to a close, the attacks on Gaza are ongoing. MAP is on the ground right now responding to the continued crisis.

Over 380 people have been killed so far, and over 1400 are injured. Large numbers of civilians are reported among the dead, and the World Health Organisation estimates that at least 30 children have been killed. Our hospital sources report that of the hundreds of injured, dozens more will die in the coming hours and days. The bombing continues, from the air and the sea.

The situation at hospitals is absolutely critical.

”There were mothers, fathers looking for children, looking for relatives. Everyone was confused and seeking support. Mothers were crying, people were asking about relatives, the medical team was confused. There is talk [the Israeli air strikes] were targeting the police and security forces but in Shifa hospital, I saw many, many civilians, some dead, some injured, some were children, some were women, some were elderly people.

There's no gauze so they are using cotton, which sticks to the wounds. They can't sterilise clothes for the operating theatre. They're using wrong sized syringes. They're working 24 hours. They're referring cases from one hospital to the next. One hospital was running out of anaesthesia. They're also drawing blood and there's no alcohol. This is a disaster.” – Fikr Shalltoot , MAP Programme Coordinator in Gaza

MAP’s On the Ground Response

MAP responded to the crisis immediately: in the first hours, MAP released $100,000 of surgical kits to hospitals struggling to cope with large numbers of dead and wounded. Our staff on the ground in Gaza are working with hospitals to coordinate the supply of essential drugs, disposables and equipment. MAP is providing essential support coordinating blood donations. As the situation changes hour to hour, MAP is responding to the greatest medical priorities.

How can you help?

MAP has launched an Emergency Appeal for Gaza : our aid workers on the ground desperately need additional funds for emergency burns, surgical and medical kits.

MAP has 25 years experience of working in the region and has distributed over $100,000 worth of emergency medical supplies since 27th December. With funds, we can get supplies through to the people that need them. Please give whatever you can today. All donations will be used to provide desperately needed and life-saving medicines and medical equipment for the people of Gaza .

In this critical time, it is essential that our appeal is seen by as many people as possible. Please help the people of Gaza by forwarding this email to as many people as possible.



Call: 0207 226 4114

Text: GAZA to 07900 848 024

MEDIA CONTACT: Andrea Becker on 07795 165 052

Thank you.

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Here comes the 2009  

Start it brand new!

Make no promises, you can't keep true.
Release those things stress brings.
Get involved with friends who care.
Take a trip, treat yourself, go somewhere;
Change the old dampened atmosphere.

Wake up each day thanking God for life,
when you lay down at night, "Thank Him" twice.

Fulfill your wildest dreams.
Others will get encouraged, from you they'll gleam!

Forget about the mistakes you've made.
They've already caused you to be delayed.

Build a home, ride a bike, ever wanted to fly a kite?
Read a book, get a new look.

Prosperity is in the air - order a larger checkbook.
Respond to positive, ignore the negative

Go ahead, "don't be afraid to live!"

Convinced yet?

I hope you are.

Cause repeating last year seems kinda bizarre

Your big question for 2009: What do you live for?

Looking back and looking forward as the year turns helps us make sense of what we are about, what we are for, where we are going. And to adjust course if our lives aren't going quite the way we had wanted. There's a sense in which we step out of our daily lives as the year turns, consider it from outside-in, before we step back into it again and get caught up once more. To 'lead' our own lives we really need to do this more than once a year, don't you think?

When we eventually look back, because there is far more 'back' to look to and far less 'forward', I'd like to be able to say something like this, which comes from Bertrand Russell's introduction to his autobiography. To be able to look back on a life like this, you have to have planned to live it, and have great self-awareness. I think that's a key lesson for me in how to lead your own life: know yourself and your passions; think ahead to what you want to look back on; then make it happen.

I'd take issue with Russell's bit at the end, tho' about not being able to alleviate poverty. You can't get rid of poverty and suffering. but, that's no excuse for not doing what you can in 2009. I know The Starfish Principle is corny, but it's true nonetheless. You know: that old story about the guy on the beach, when the tide has washed up thousands of starfish, watching one man throwing them back one by one. The guy says "You can do that all day, but you won't make a dent in it. There are hundreds of thousands of them. You can't make a difference." The other guy flings one more starfish back into the sea and says, "Well, it made a difference to that one," before reaching down for another. The story itself is just too weird for me to have ever warmed to it (might flinging starfish kill them anyway? Has anyone ever really seen hundreds of thousands of starfish washed up on a beach?), but the principle is sound, isn't it.

So, what do you want to look back on 2009 and say? Here's the inspiring Bertrand Russell that lives on my wall, looking back on his whole life:

What I Have Lived For

"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

"I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness - that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that the saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what - at last - I have found.

"With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

"Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me."

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